It is estimated that 5% of the population world-wide have dyslexia; while as many as 15 to 20% of the population have some symptoms of dyslexia. Despite the fact that dyslexia affects so many students, parents often find that their schools do not provide assessments or effective remedial services for this learning disability. Without effective intervention, the reading skills of dyslexic students will generally not advance beyond a third or fourth grade level.

Dyslexia is a learning disability that impairs an individual’s language skills. It may be primarily auditory or visual in nature. Although students with dyslexia are generally of average or above average intelligence, they struggle with language skills. Dyslexia most often affects:
Reading Accuracy
Reading fluency
Reading comprehension
With early identification and intervention, the prognosis for students with dyslexia is good. In addition to identifying dyslexia, it is also important to identify any other learning problems that may be accompanying this disorder, or that may actually be creating the appearance of dyslexia when dyslexia is actually not present.
The Symptoms Comparison Chart illustrates the overlapping symptoms of various learning problems.
There are a variety of approaches for treating dyslexia, requiring varying degrees of investment of time, energy, and money. The services provided at Abba’s Child Learning Center have produced substantial improvement, while limiting the investment required of students and families.